Thursday 23 December 2010

Orglamix Giveaway!!!

Check it out:

Lots of different ways to enter! I just started using Orglamix mineral make-up and LOVE it, it's fantastic and a totally reasonable price!

Here is their website:

So many colours available and great quality!!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Mama Cloth

I have been (mostly) cloth diapering my daughter for a few weeks now...and since I gave birth I have found my regular menstrual pads irritate me...'down there'. Not cool! I tried a different brand with the same result.

I do have a Mooncup (UK) menstrual cup, but I'll be damned if I have enough time or patience nowadays to get it in and out!

So I turned to the next best option - Mama Cloth!

Yep, that's right - Mama Cloth is the cloth version of disposable panty pads!

Now it might gross some people out to wash the pads they bleed on; but I'm washing dirty, poopy diapers, so I might as well, right?! I have been advised that they can be washed with diapers (which is probably what I will do) or other loads of washing...sounds simple! They are generally made with snaps fitted onto the wings, so they wrap around your panties and hold tight. Who wants their pad slipping about?!

The pads I have ordered have pretty flannel fabric on the top, an absorbent inner core (I got 3 different kinds - heavy, medium & light flow) and a fleece backing.

They are Mama-Made and I am testing them for that Mama, so she can improve on her product if need be and sell it!

I just got sent images of the completed pads and they look FANTASTIC! Would you say that about your disposable pads? *titter*

I can't wait to b---no maybe that's too far!

Anyway, I will be posting about my experience with Mama Cloth at some point in the future....whenever my dear Aunt Flow decides to come back...I recently came off the pill, and it took about 50 days for her to remember what she was doing, so we'll see.

Here is a pic of the cloth!

Pretty huh!